About Us About Us

Power Tools & Safety Global Limited

is a company that has its core competency in the field of dealership in all forms of engineering and building materials, the company concentrates on import, sales, servicing and supply of all forms of engineering, machinery, power plants and as well as material handlings.
Power tools and safety global limited has been in business since 1990 as was officially incorporated as a liability in 2015. it expertise in machinery and materials is borne out of a long history and experienced operations in Nigeria as well as its vast clientele to which it has offered top quality services at the most affordable and feasible rates possible.
Power tools and safety global limited is one of the largest dealers in safety equipment for building and construction, tools, equipment, plumbing materials and consumables, electrical and electronic equipment, air conditioning systems, general HVAC products, hardware, welding materials and consumables, industrial safety wares, light machinery and heavy duty machines.
At Power Tools and Safety Global limited we encourage a culture of safety and safe work practices, we are genuinely client focused and continually seeking improvements in our products. We are determined to succeed and draw inspiration from challenges. Our philosophy is provision of value adding solutions and their timely and cost effective service.

Who We Are

Power tools and safety global limited is
one of the largest dealers in safety equipment, building & construction
tools, equipments and machines.

Our Mission

Power tools and safety global limited strive to offer our customers the best quality product at affordable prices and deliver on time

Our Vision

To be recognised as the leading company in supply and sales of good quality safety equipment, tools and machines and to always deliver efficiently.